Nature’s answer to receding gums

As we age, our bodies naturally begin to change, and it can feel a little harder to do the things we once did. While some of these changes are obvious, others are slightly more subtle, such as gum recession. 

For many, gum recession is a fact of getting older, but it doesn’t have to be! While many experts in the dentist industry may tell you it is not possible to reverse receding gums, we would like to offer some of our thoughts that may make you reconsider.

First, let’s take a look at why your gums are receding. 

Why do I have receding gums?

When you first notice that your gums are receding, you may feel concerned, even panicked. But you’re not alone. Gum recession affects millions of people, even those that are conscientious about their health. 

Gum recession essentially means that the gums cells covering the root of your teeth along the gumline are slowly dying away, revealing the lower part of your teeth. More often than not, gum recession is caused by chronic gum infection, but in some cases can be caused by irritation of the gums through the use of harsh chemicals, smoking or brushing too hard. 

If plaque is left untreated, it turns into hard calcified tartar or calculus that cements on the gum line. The soft, sensitive gum tissue that is in constant contact with the acid build-up of tartar begins to form lesions through which bacteria can enter the gums and infect the gum tissue. The immune system is then signalled to attack the invading bacteria, which is trying to kill off your healthy gum cells. As the immune cells and bacteria battle it out, the gums inflame resulting in the beginning stages of gum disease – gingivitis. 

If the immune cells lose against the invading bacteria, they try another tactic to save the remaining gum cells. The immune system attempts to isolate the infected cells from the remaining healthy ones, which means “amputating” the infected gum cells. This is when gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease. If the “amputating” of infected gum cells continues, it will progress to the deeper structural cells that connect the tooth’s root to the jawbone and periodontal ligaments. The death of the deeper structural cells is what leads to gum recession. 

“My dentist told me that my gums were receding. Then I started Good-Gums, and a year later I went back and was told that my gums had grown back up again.  It’s wonderful.”

– Robin R

Good-Gums for gum recession 

Thousands of our customers have used Good-Gums to help heal gum recession, with great success. You can take a look at what our customers say here

Good-Gums all-natural solution for gum health is specifically formulated to help the gums and stop gum recession in its tracks. 

We use 100% natural ingredients – sourced from the purest places on the planet – that are designed to work with your body’s natural healing processes. Each ingredient has undergone multiple screening procedures to ensure the highest quality for you and your gums. We jam-pack into the nature-friendly bottle an essential vitamin, herbal and mineral ingredients that your gums need to thrive, so that with every use, you can actually feel your gums absorbing the goodness present in every particle of Good-Gums.

Particularly for connective tissue cells, to aid their formation, they need a substantial amount of vitamin C.  Good-Gums provides a healthy amount of vitamin C, plus citrus bioflavonoids that help the body utilize the vitamin C.  This healing formula dissolves in the mouth to be absorbed directly by the gums to give help where it’s needed the most.

Check out different ways to use Good-gums for receding gums here, and scroll to the bottom.

Good-Gums is here to lend you a helping hand and bring your gums (and your confidence) back to life! 

So, give your gums the greatest start to the year. Give them Good-Gums!

Find out more about how the product can help here.

“My receding gums have actually almost been corrected.”

Donna W

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