Your favorite questions answered!

The ‘head honchos’ of Good-Gums, John Chisholm and Lynwood Murray, work hard behind the scenes to get your Good-Gums bottles screened and tested, prepped and packed, and sent out to you in perfect time, in full belief that this magic little bottle of nature’s goodness...
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7 Day Mind and Body Detox

The secret to your health starts with your mouth. With a good diet and positive focus, you can change your body and change your life. As most of you know, we love to go on about the importance of nutrition, and how diet has such a huge...
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Top 5 tips to stop receding gums

We understand that noticing your gums gradually disappearing to reveal more of your teeth each time you look in the mirror is disheartening. The fears about looking older and eventually losing all your teeth begin to creep in, you avoid smiling as widely as you...
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The Vegan Tooth Powder That Works With Nature

The rise of veganism Vegan or not, more and more people are becoming aware of the impact their lifestyle and consumer choices have on the planet. Whether the motivation for going vegan is about animal welfare, environmental concerns or one’s own personal health, people all...
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Ayurveda: The Ancient Practice That Zaps Away Toxins

Your mouth  is a ‘window’ to the rest of your body Ayurveda in its meaning can be translated as the ‘science of life’, deriving from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). For thousands of years, this ancient method of healing has been practiced...
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Vitamin C – You Can’t Live Without It!

What do we sharewith our Simian Cousins? We don’t synthesize glucose into Vitamin C like most mammals Many, many generations ago, a mutation occurred in a gene of our human ancestors that prevents the synthesis of the active enzyme protein, L-gluconolactone oxidase (GLO).  Therefore our...
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