Stop Smoking. It’s Killing Your Gums.

If you’re a smoker and experiencing gum problems, whether it be inflammation, soreness, or bleeding gums, smoking is likely the cause.  Most of us know that smoking isn’t exactly the healthiest choice we can make for ourselves. However, it really is bad news when it...
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8 Healing Herbs To Help You Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker, you know it’s not exactly good for your health. And you’re probably sick of all the posters and people (like us) telling you to quit. We know, we’re always writing articles saying how bad smoking is for your oral health, but...
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Is Vaping Bad For Your Teeth & Gums?

Despite all the negative press about e-cigarettes recently – such as how they can explode in your mouth and put you at risk of developing a rare form of pneumonia – inhaling flavorsome fumes from something that looks like a USB device still seems to...
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