3 Spices to Help Curb Your Sugar Cravings

As you’ve probably seen from many of our posts and articles, we are always trying to gently encourage our readers to cut down on sugar. Let’s take a quick recap of the reasons why it’s so important to cut down on sugar. Excess sugar consumption...
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How To Eat Sugar And Not Get Cavities

Are you worried that your mass consumption of mince pies and cookies on the lead up to Christmas has slowly been rotting your teeth? And are you also concerned that the holiday season is continuing to send sugar cravings to new levels at the detriment to...
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3 Dangers of Eating Dried Fruit This Thanksgiving

The dangers of eating dried fruit With Thanksgiving around the corner, grocery store shelves are filling up fast with the likes of dried figs, cherries, dates, prunes, apricots, raisins, and, of course, the thanksgiving wonder fruit – cranberries! Dried fruits are top on the list...
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5 Easy Ways To Cut Down On Sugar

Sugar is one of the biggest culprits in our country’s ever-declining dental health problem, with more than 80% of Americans suffering from gum disease. Not only does sugar become food for the ‘bad’ bacteria in your mouth making dental plaque so acidic that it attacks tooth...
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6 Surprisingly Sugary Foods

By now, many of us are aware of the detrimental effects too much sugar has on our overall health. Excess sugar consumption has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, mood swings, obesity, and even cancer. And of course, don’t forget an eroding of those pearly whites!...
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Was Queen Elizabeth I a Sugar Addict?

Was Queen Elizabeth I a sugar addict? She certainly was. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, sugar was just making itself known in Tudor Britain. Imported from places like the East and West Indies, Morocco and Barbary, this delicious sweet taste became increasingly popular...
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