Oral Health: It’s not about how often we brush, it’s what we’re brushing with
When we think of an oral care product, most of us think of toothpaste. And toothpaste, we’re afraid to say, is as far from natural as you can get!
In fact, the ingredients in toothpaste actually contribute to all sorts of tooth and gum problems. So it doesn’t matter how efficient you are with your oral health regimen; if you’re not brushing with the right oral health product, your teeth and gums will suffer.
As many of our customers will know, most toothpaste on the market are full of toxic ingredients, artificial additives, and industrial foaming and cleaning agents. So it’s no wonder 80% of the US population suffers from some kind of oral health issue.
And as for the toothpaste labeled “natural,” well, most of them still contain an ingredient called glycerin – an additive that interrupts the process of tooth remineralization. Glycerin acts as a barrier to all the ‘good stuff’ we’re putting into our body by forming an invisible coating on teeth and gums that prevents natural processes from working.
If you’d like to read more about the common ingredients in toothpaste, read our article, “Toxic Ingredients in Your Toothpaste.”
It’s clear that what people use to clean their teeth today just isn’t working.
So what exactly is the right oral health product?
We believe that by stripping back to pure, simple and raw ingredients, you can significantly improve your oral health.
Our gums are super sensitive, not to mention highly absorptive, so it’s essential that we feed them with nutrient-rich vitamins and minerals that soothe and support our gum health.
Our cells are regenerating at a rapid rate every day; by choosing to use a product full of ingredients that help our cells repair and regenerate, we allow our body’s natural ability to heal itself and let nature do the work.
Isabelle Dunkeson, the creator of Good-Gums, says that when you go to a drug store, “you’re buying something a thousand times removed from the original formula”.
So many toxins and chemicals get added to toothpaste – GMOs, fluoride, carrageenan, SLS, parabens, triclosan, artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners, propylene glycol, SLS, SLES, glycerin, and synthetics – that all contribute to oral health issues.
The 100% herbal formula that saves your teeth and gums
This is why we created a formula that’s completely natural. And when we say ‘completely natural’, we mean it! Our ingredients are sourced from the purest, cleanest places on the planet because we believe your teeth and gums need the very best.
Good-Gums all-natural powder is the opposite of conventional toothpaste; it puts all the vital vitamins and minerals back into your gums so they can regenerate themselves to optimal health!
And not only are the ingredients completely natural but our packaging is made from 100% recycled fiber, and each bottle we fill with Good-Gums formula is free from Bisphenol-A (BPA) – an estrogen mimic that’s common to many other kinds of plastic. The packaging and processing of all our materials are produced to be sustainable and not pollute or harm the environment.
Good-Gums, with its five different herbs, two minerals, and huge amount of vitamin C, (check out our full ingredients list here) contains everything your gums need to heal and restore themselves.
Our ingredients are 100% natural, vegan, and cruelty-free and contain no chemical or artificial additives interfering with natural healing.
As hard as this may be for those of us who are addicted to the sweet, foamy consistency of toothpaste, Isabelle urges us to “give up the paste” if we want a healthy mouth.
Try Good-Gums all-natural powder now and see for yourself!
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