Top 7 supplements to help remineralize your teeth and strengthen your gums

Nowadays, we’re becoming better and better at taking a more holistic approach to oral health; many of us have implemented healthy changes in our diets and lifestyles that support better health orally and otherwise.
Being huge advocates of holistic living and natural ingredients, we’re extremely happy about this! But although we’re moving in the right direction, there’s still room for improvement.
As soon as we find a cavity, many of us are taught to run straight to the dentist to get our tooth filled in with a synthetic substance, which can sometimes make matters worse. In fact, fillings can often cause more damage than the cavity itself.
So before you run to the dentist at the first sign of a cavity, we suggest you consider first giving a more natural route a try, especially if the cavity has not yet worked its way through the enamel and into the dentin underneath.
Changing our diets and using supplementation can support the remineralization of tooth enamel, so you you might be able to avoid that uncomfortable visit to your dentist.
Nutrition is one of the biggest issues with all teeth and gum problems. Feeding our teeth and gums with the right nutrition supports the body’s natural healing abilities to heal itself.
So apart from a well-balanced diet, what supplements can help to remineralize the teeth and strengthen the gums?
Top 7 supplements to remineralize teeth and strengthen the gums
Calcium is one of the most important minerals for strengthening tooth enamel and is essential for proper teeth remineralization. But calcium also requires support from other vitamins – such as Vitamin D and K2 – so it can be directed to the right places in the body.
Calcium can be found in cheese, milk and other diary products. Vegan sources (not as calcium-dense as dairy foods) are soy, beans, peas, lentils, almonds, Brazil nuts, seeds, seaweed, dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for your overall health. In fact, it’s such a crucial vitamin for the functioning of the human body that there are vitamin D receptors in every tissue and organ in the body. This essential fat-soluble vitamin is needed to assist two bodily processes: absorbing calcium and balancing other minerals in the body. These processes are responsible for forming and repairing the structures of the teeth. Vitamin D also regulates cell growth keeping your gums nice and healthy.
Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, milk, cod liver oil, cheese and shitake mushrooms.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin D and vitamin K2 supplements are often paired together because they work with each other to improve the absorption and distribution of calcium. While vitamin D helps calcium absorption, vitamin K2 helps to distribute calcium to all the right places in the body.
Vitamin K2 can be found in some fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and natto (fermented soybeans).

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is arguably the most important vitamin for gum health. It’s not only a fantastic immune booster, but it helps the gum lining stay healthy by eradicating harmful mouth bacteria. Vitamin C also plays a vital role in cell growth and tissue repair and is essential for the production of collagen, which means it can help strengthen and repair the connective tissue, including the periodontal ligaments.
Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, tomatoes, strawberries and cruciferous vegetables.
Phosphorus is an important mineral that supports the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones and ensures that important cells and tissues are adequately looked after. Calcium needs phosphorus to help do its job and absorb into the body; if you’re not receiving a sufficient amount of phosphorus, your body’s calcium goes to waste.
Phosphorus can be found in various kinds of seafood, organ meats, beans and lentils, and white meats.
Magnesium is another important mineral that plays a critical role in building strong teeth. Like phosphorus and vitamin D, magnesium helps the body to absorb calcium, which ensures that tooth enamel is kept strong.
Magnesium can be found in nuts, whole grains, beans, seeds and dark leafy veggies.
Vitamin A
This vital vitamin helps cells regenerate more effectively and maintains a healthy mucous membrane (the coating that protects your gums from disease). Vitamin A also promotes saliva production, which is essential for flushing out your body’s toxins.
Vitamin A can be found in carrots, kale, sweet potato, spinach, eggs and peppers.
Supplements work best alongside a healthy, well-balanced diet and should not be relied upon solely to provide what your body needs. A long time ago, before artificial chemicals were invented, all food was organically grown and the soil was rich with minerals and micronutrients. People who had a healthy lifestyle and ate a varied diet had no need for supplements (which also hadn’t been invented yet). Food like that isn’t common in the modern world. So if you’re finding your oral health needs a bit of a kick, then give our top 7 a try!
Add good-gums to your daily practice
There’s one more thing we’d like to suggest you try, which we believe to be the icing on the cake when it comes to remineralizing your teeth and strengthening your gums.
Our 100% all-natural Good-Gums formula!
Good-Gums not only helps your gums absorb all the vital nutrients which are essential for maintaining good oral health, but the ingredients actually help your cells to regenerate at a faster rate without putting any toxic residues (found in most other toothpastes) into your body.
Give Good-Gums a try and watch your teeth and gums transform!

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