TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE WITH OUR QUICK QUIZ Ready to have a little fun testing your oral health knowledge? Simply select the statement in each section that you think is true. There are 10 in all.See how well you did at the end! OK, let’s jump right in with Question 1…The greatest risk of losing teeth comes from:* Cavities (dental caries) which open up pathways through which bacteria can infect the interior of the teeth. Infection of gum tissue, which, if left unchecked, progresses to the teeth-supporting cells that surround each tooth’s root.Infected gums are relatively rare.* True FalseThe only way to treat gum problems is with expensive professional intervention.* True. There’s nothing I can do at home to help. False. There’s a lot I can do to improve my oral health.When I discover that I have gum problems, the best course of action is:* ... to eradicate all the bacteria in the mouth so that infections won’t get a chance to start in the first place. ... to support the growth of healthy new cells, while countering overpopulated strains of bacteria and while soothing your gum tissue.Receding gums are just an inevitable part of getting older. It's nothing to worry about.* True FalseBleeding gums is a warning that…* my gum tissue is under attack from bacteria and not getting enough nutrition. I just brushed too hard. My gums are basically fine.Almost everybody uses toothpaste, so it must work OK, right?* True. Toothpaste is an effective treatment for gum conditions. False. Most toothpaste users have some type of gum disease.Good-Gums is powder because...* It's cheaper to produce. The ingredients stay potent longer.OK, Good-Gums helps gums, but what’s needed for the teeth is...* a tried-and-true toothpaste that contains cleansers. not anything else other than Good-GumsBrushing vigorously with a firm toothbrush is good for your gums.* True FalseYour gums can absorb whatever they’re exposed to.* True FalseTooth enamel can grow back.* True. Saliva remineralizes your teeth. False. Once it’s gone, it’s gone! So take care of it.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ