3 Reasons To Eat Fermented Foods

It’s become pretty “cool” to eat fermented foods. From spicy kimchi to tangy sauerkraut, and fizzy kombucha to creamy kefir, these fermented foods have become something of a food fad.  And it’s not just the taste that makes these fermented delights so appealing. Their rise...
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How to make kefir

Milk kefir is super easy to make and is what we believe to be the most potent source of probiotic! Probiotics, as we’ve said before, are absolutely essential for balancing out your digestive system, strengthening your immune system and keeping disease at bay.  During the...
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How your gut health and oral health are related

Did you know that a lot of problems in the mouth are caused by problems in the gut? Oral microbiome and gut microbiome are in constant communication with each other. This is why our oral health can be a good way of monitoring the health...
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Heal your gut, heal your life!

There is so much more going on within our bodies than what we can perceive with the naked eye. Right now, on the backs of our hands, our cells are growing, multiplying, morphing and splitting over and over again, yet we cannot see. Similarly, there...
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