Inside Isabelle #4 Obstacles, Doubts And A Message For The Masses
Picture: Herbalist Euell Gibbons taught Isabelle how to forage for wild foods and recognize herbs and plants with healing properties.
When we asked Isabelle what three words she felt best described Good-Gums. She replied:
Your Best friend!
And it’s not hard to see why. Good-Gums helps, supports and encourages growth. It leaves you feeling nourished, refreshed, rejuvenated and better for experiencing its soothing qualities, and above all, it understands your true nature and knows exactly how to work with your natural abilities. What a friend that is!
And just as this magic bottle of nature’s goodness can see you through the hard times, Isabelle herself embodies these nurturing qualities and has begun creating a community based on trustand understanding with all of her customers. She encourages her customers to call her and update her on their journey with Good-Gums. And not just that but she offers all those open to it, a supportive and loving friendship with someone who is there to listen.
In this last interview in our ‘Inside Isabelle’ series, we get a bit more close and personal with Isabelle. She openly shares with us how she deals with life’s challenges, what personal goals she sets for herself and what message she has, not just for the Good-Gums community but for everyone.
This woman has inspired thousands of people to think differently and in doing so, has transformed the health and well-being of people’s lives, as well as providing them with a beautiful new friendship.
How do you overcome obstacles?
I always come back to the big T. TRUST. I admit, sometimes I lose faith and trust every 5 minutes. But even with everything that’s going on in the world we must, trust that there is goodness.
Trust in the goodness.
If I see a ‘stumbling block’ I sometimes see it as in my way but what I would like to be able to do is know that actually nothing is in my way, it’s showing me the way. Trouble is transportation: it points you in a different direction. It’s about looking at what you perceive as a stumbling block as an opportunity. It’s about changing how we are perceiving what’s happening.
Most of the time what we are wanting is right in front of us. Surely, all we are really wanting is love, comfort, success, and health but without realizing it we push it away when it’s right there.
We self-sabotage and we don’t know we’re doing it. We are blinded. This journey has taught me to let go and surrender to Life and to be guided by an inner knowing that is far more intelligent than what my fearful mind is telling me.
Have you ever doubted the product?
The product? Never never never!!! But I do think about how oddball it is and question whether it can join the masses and make it. Of course, sometimes the mind takes over with negative thoughts. The fact that we have got this far with one product is quite amazing. But I have no doubt the product works. It’s whether there are enough people out there that will be willing to try it.
Some people are so attached to toothpaste they won’t even try it. But you can’t be scared about these things. It’s about letting it unfold and go where it needs to go. And hope for the best. It is ‘hope in a bottle’ after all!.
It’s so simple but people are used to complications and expense. Someone came up to me in the market and gave me a hug and said,
‘you saved me from gum surgery’.
It’s moments like this that keep inspiring
me to carry on sharing my story and helping people make a different choice for themselves, a choice that will ultimately help and heal their lives.
Do you have a regular daily routine, which embodies your health and overall well-being?
Well, I attempt to meditate. I’ve been a complete vegetarian since the 60s. I try and nourish my body with wholesome, healthy food. Although, the other day for my 79th birthday I allowed myself to enjoy a hot fudge sundae! So, of course, I allow myself a treat every now and again!
But I aim to be more conscious, to wake up to new things, new thoughts. It’s amazing how every day I can learn something new. Life really is amazing.
Is there any message you would like to share, not only with your Good-Gums followers but with people in general?
The whole world is trying to sell us something every day. I’m not trying to sell anyone anything, I’m just trying to tell people the truth. We all get stuck in our own ways. Some people are ready for the truth and some people aren’t.
It’s about being ready to explore new territory. Sometimes It takes a crisis to make a change.
It takes courage. I will never tell people to go against what their dentist is telling them but I just ask people to try this and see.
Have courage to trust your intuition. The dentist wants to charge 5000 dollars. At least try this and see and then go back to the dentist.
Some people are willing to go against what they are being told and others aren’t.
Have the courage to give teeth a chance.
I know some holistic dentists with no ego and they aren’t worried about losing customers. But most dentists are, understandably as they’ve spent a lot of money going to school and this is all they know.
Trying Good-Gums doesn’t mean you never have to go back to the dentist or have a teeth cleaning but it’s just about posing the question, ‘maybe there’s another way instead of spending thousands of dollars?’
I say to people ‘what you’re doing and using is not working. Try something else.’
Some people might think that it’s not the way to go as it’s going against what the dentist says but I paid attention to my feelings and for me, it seemed to work.
Sometimes people just need a little encouragement, a little support.
This was never on my list of things to do and that’s why I am so appreciative because it wasn’t my intention – the Universe took charge and that’s how it happened. If I’d never had the problem, you and I wouldn’t even be talking.
Good-Gums is an unexpected delight.
It’s an unintentional success. I had no idea that at this stage in my life this was going to be such a marvelous experience.
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