Why are my gums bleeding?

woman with bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are a common health issue that doesn’t necessarily indicate a dire situation. But it does indicate that your gums are not as resilient as they could be, and that they’re vulnerable to bacterial infection or they’re sensitive to mechanical insult, such as brushing too hard or by flossing when they’re not used to it.

So if you are noticing that your gums are bleeding while doing normal activities such as eating an apple or any other crisp foods, you are likely experiencing the beginning stages of gum disease – gingivitis (gum inflammation as a result of the gums being infected). 

What are bleeding gums?

Simply put, almost all episodes of bleeding gums start from a buildup of plaque, which is a harmful biofilm formed by bacteria that have colonized our gum line, living off the sugars and carbohydrates in our food and then releasing acidic wastes. If plaque is inadequately removed from our gums on a daily basis, the plaque then absorbs minerals from our saliva and begins to harden into tartar or calculus, which is harder than bone and can be removed only by using metal implements.

After plaque has become mineralized into acid-soaked tartar, the acidic waste products that the plaque colony gives off lead to gums becoming irritated, and inflamed, forming microscopic lesions, causing them to bleed when brushing, flossing, or eating crisp food. Plaque build-up is happening continuously, so it is essential that we keep removing it on a regular basis, especially before it starts to mineralize into calculus (tartar)

The great news is that if you catch it early enough, you can stop gum disease from progressing any further and save the infected gum tissue. 

Signs and symptoms of bleeding gums

Other than visibly seeing blood around the teeth and gums when you look in the mirror, here are some other signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • Spitting out blood after you brush your teeth
  • Seeing a hint of red or pink on your toothbrush after brushing
  • Tasting the metallic flavor of blood in your mouth
  • Seeing blood on your teeth or lips 
  • Seeing blood every time you floss or bite into crisp food

    Other symptoms that usually accompany bleeding gums include:
  • Bad breath
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Sore and swollen gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain when chewing 
  • Receding gums 

Risk factors for bleeding gums

You are more at risk of experiencing bleeding gums if:

  • You smoke
  • You are taking certain blood thinners or medications such as aspirin or heparin
  • You are experiencing vitamin K or vitamin C deficiency 
  • You are experiencing a lot of stress
  • Other family members have poor oral health

So what can you do?

If you suspect that your bleeding gums are to do with brushing too hard, then the easiest way to rectify this is to brush more softly using a toothbrush with soft bristles. 

But if you suspect or have been told by your dentist that you have an infection, then you will need to seek treatment accompanied by dietary support.

If you smoke, we recommend you stop or cut down dramatically, and make sure that you are getting plenty of vitamin C and vitamin K in your diet.

We also strongly recommend reading our article, “How does an anti-inflammatory diet help reduce gum disease?” for information on how to reduce inflammation in the body through diet.

But for the pièce de résistance of gum care, we recommend using our all-natural tooth and gum formula: Good-Gums.

Use Good-Gums powder to treat bleeding gums 

Our 100% natural Good-Gums formula (with its 5 different herbs, 2 minerals, and vitamin C) is itself an excellent topical application for sore, swollen and bleeding gums.  

Good-Gums is packed full of all the essential nutrients for optimal gum health. In fact, there are so many gum-loving nutrients in our tooth powder that many of our customers have reported their bleeding gums have stopped overnight! 

Good-Gums soothes sore gums and strengthens tooth enamel, while also counteracting acidity in the mouth and neutralizing bacteria that cause plaque buildup.

If gum cells are given what they need (a ton of nutrients and vitamins), healthier gum cells can start taking the place of less-healthy cells quickly.  Especially for connective tissue cells, what they need during their formation is a large amount of vitamin C (especially via a formula that effectively buffers its acidity).

The best thing about our Good-Gums formula is that it dissolves right in your mouth to be absorbed directly by the gums, to give help where it’s needed the most.

For maximum results, massage Good-Gums into your gums before continuing with your regular tooth care regime. Use a soft toothbrush when brushing with Good-Gums and floss as usual. You do not need to rinse as it is safe to ingest due to its completely pure, natural (and tasty) ingredients. For more tips on how to use Good-Gums click here.

Our herbal formula is designed to absorb into your gums, putting back all the vital nutrients that are necessary to get your gums back in tip-top shape.

Click here to order a bottle of Good-Gums today.

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